Areas Of Giving


Donations to the Armstrong Air & Space Museum play a vital role in helping preserve and celebrate our national aerospace heritage. Contributions to this community-led institution will continue to help inspire future generations by showcasing the incredible achievements of aviation and aerospace pioneers, like Neil Armstrong, through engaging exhibits and award-winning educational programs. But most importantly, your donation will ensure that the spirit of discovery and innovation continues to thrive in the hearts and minds of everyone who walks through our doors. As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, your gift is tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.

if you are interested in giving donations in any form PLEASE CONTACT:


Director of Retail Sales & Donor Engagement


Memorial, Tribute, or In Honor

Memorial, Tribute, or In Honor - are gifts made in memory of one who has passed or living.

A memorial gift is made at the death of an individual benefiting a charitable organization selected by the deceased or the deceased’s family and friends. “In Lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Armstrong Air & Space Museum” is a memorial designation often seen in an obituary.

In Honor donations are made honor a living person.

Armstrong Air & Space Museum acknowledges all gifts received sending a letter to the donor. Then each month, a letter is sent to the next of kin listing all those who have donated in their loved one’s memory without the gift amount.

Donations received in memory of: John Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John Doe
1 Main St
Anywhere, OH 11111

All are invited to volunteer their time and energy giving tours, organize fundraising activities, and helping with special projects are a few of the various opportunities available.


Donations to our Lunar Legacy campaign contribute directly to funding future capital expansions, ensuring continued growth and development of our projects, and enticing guests to return for repeat visits.

Education & Programming

Donors are needed for us to provide year-round education programs for all generations. Many of our educational programs are donor funded and rely on support to continue bringing STEM-based learning to everyone.

Exhibits & Collections

Donors can make a lasting impact by ensuring the long-term preservation and care of the museum's historical artifacts. Your contribution supports the maintenance and creation of exhibits, the front line of the museum experience!

Holiday Light Celebration

Each year from Black Friday to New Years, the museum decorates the grounds in space-themed light displays. These amazing artistic creations are free to the general public. Your donation to this cause would ensure that the lights stay on and the museum has funding for additional displays.


The museum sits on roughly 16 acres of beautiful greenery. Many people utilize these grounds for picnicking, exercising, and family-gatherings. A donation to this area would help us keep the grounds and building looking amazing.


  • EAGLE LEVEL - $500,000+

    • State of Ohio
  • SATURN LEVEL - $100,000-$499,999

    • Anonymous
    • Mark & Wendy Armstrong
    • Hays Companies
    • Heinrich Family Foundation
    • Honda of America
  • TITAN LEVEL - $25,000-$99,999

    • Airstream/Thor Industries, Inc.
    • Cargill
    • Copeland
    • G.A. Wintzer & Son Co.
    • Jim R. & Jan Heinrich
    • Telephone Service Company (TSC) - Hanson Communications
    • Wapakoneta Area Community Foundation
  • ATLAS LEVEL - $10,000-$24,999

    • Ametek Winchester Plastics
    • Crown Equipment
    • James F. & Janet Dicke  II
    • James & Katy Dicke III
    • Dominion Energy
    • Steve Hankison & Debbie Duncan
    • National Aviation Heritage Alliance
    • Kraig & Chris Noble
    • Noble Enterprises
    • Sandy's Auto & Truck Service
    • Superior Credit Union
  • REDSTONE LEVEL - $5,000-$9,999

    • Bruce R. McCaw Family Foundation
    • Hoffman Family Revocable Trust
    • JemSpec Incorporated
    • The Kermit and Ella Kuck Foundation
    • Greg & Deanna Kindell
    • Tom & Shirley Kotnik
    • Joe & Judy Lenhart
    • Lima Memorial Health Systems
    • Miller's Textile Services
    • Minster Bank
    • Nidec Press & Automation
    • Peterson Construction Company
    • Pratt Industries Wapakoneta
    • St. Marys Community Foundation
    • Stahler Trucking & Leasing Inc.
    • Thomarios
    • Time Warner Cable
    • Wapak American Legion



Throughout the year, the museum hosts numerous events and celebrations in the community. These events allow the museum to give back in a meaningful way and create a lasting impact for all participants. The museum is always looking for community leaders and organizations to help fund or participate in these events. Some of our annual programming includes:

Wapakoneta Summer Moon Festival

Armstrong Museum Holiday Lights

Guest Speaker events

Boo! On the Moon event

Horizons donor event

For more information, visit our sponsorship opportunities’ page, or contact Deanna Kindell at

A matching gift is a philanthropic practice where the charitable contributions of employees are matched to a certain amount by a company or organization. The opportunity not only benefits the non-profit organization, but it also fosters a culture of giving at the company and strengthens their commitment to helping quintessential groups in the local community. For more information on this opportunity, please contact Deanna Kindell at or call (419)-738-8816.

For individuals and families that are looking to make a long and lasting impact on the museum’s mission, consider a legacy or estate gift. By including the Armstrong Air & Space Museum in your estate planning, you leave behind a lasting legacy that transcends your lifetime, ensuring that the museum can continue to educate and inspire for years to come. These contributions are an enduring reminder of a donor’s commitment to helping and inspiring others, while also allowing them to commemorate their passion for exploration and discovery. For more information on this giving opportunity, please contact Deanna Kindell at or call (419)-738-8816

The museum’s annual appeal is an essential endeavor that helps deepen our ability to further our mission. By giving to this campaign, donors directly impact the future of programs and projects happening at the museum. Every contribution, regardless of size, plays an instrumental role in sustaining the museum’s bold ambitions and goals.

Two young girls are playing with a toy airplane.




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