The "Standard Field Trip Experience" includes a guided tour of the museum, a short 30-minute documentary, and "Discovery time" in the Modern Space Gallery. Groups have the option to visit the museum store if they choose.

Student Rate:


Chaperone Rate:


One free adult/chaperone admission for every 15 students

  • Minimum of 15 students per group is needed for tour & discount rate.
  • The museum can not book more than 100 persons per school visit. 
  • Groups must book at least two weeks in advance of arrival date. 
  • Museum books on a first come, first served basis. 
  • Tour experiences can be booked any time during operating hours. 


  • Arrival

    All groups are encouraged to arrive 15 minutes before their scheduled time if possible. If groups are more than a half hour late, the museum reserves the right to adjust the tour schedule to maximize the tour experience.

  • Food & Drink

    There is no food or drink allowed in the museum, including water. If your group has packed lunches, the only available area for eating is in our outdoor pavilion, regardless of weather. 

  • Cancellations or Rescheduling

    Please notify the museum immediately if you have to cancel or reschedule your visit. Scheduling should be done two weeks in advance of your visit.

  • Student to Chaperone Ratio

    The museum requires a 15:1 student/chaperone ratio for all field trips. One or two chaperones per classroom are recommended. Children do not need to be assigned in small groups to an adult; the group stays together in the same area of the museum unless the teacher has specific activities planned for students after the tour. 


The "All-Inclusive Field Trip Experience" is the recommended option for classes who wish to have a more hands-on and interactive experience at the museum. This option includes a guided tour of the museum, short 30-minute documentary, "Discovery time" in the Modern Space Gallery and one or more of the museum's "STEM Experiences" in the Neil Armstrong STEM Inspiration Center.

Student Rate:

$5.00 (plus $5.00 per STEM experience)

Chaperone Rate:


One free adult/chaperone admission for every 15 students

Our STEM Experiences, designed with Ohio Learning Standards in mind, teach students important concepts used in science, engineering, and mathematics through a variety of fun and interactive activities. To accommodate the wide range of possible groups, experience options are available for all grades and ages.

  • Minimum of 15 students per group is needed for tour & discount rate. 
  • The museum can not book more than 100 persons per school visit.
  • Groups must book at least two weeks in advance of arrival date. 
  • Museum books on a first come, first served basis. 
  • Tour experiences can be booked any time during operating hours. 

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