Thank you for your interest in assisting the Armstrong Air & Space Museum grow our collections! We use objects for research, exhibitions and education. Object donations may fall into one of three categories:
- Permanent Collection:
Objects placed in this collection are held in the public trust for future generations. In order to preserve this collection, objects are given a high level of care through special procedures for storage, handling, and exhibitions.
- Education Collection:
The Museum uses objects in this collection for educational purposes during programming and for exhibit props. These objects can be touched and do not require the same procedures as the permanent collection.
- Reference Collection:
Staff, volunteers, and guests by appointment may use this collection as supplemental material to further research. This collection primarily consists of print and AV material. These objects do not require the same procedures as the permanent collections.
The Armstrong Air & Space Museum is a site of the Ohio History Connection. Therefore, the Permanent Collection belongs to the Ohio History Connection. If you are interested in donating an item please contact collections@ohiohistory.org or call
(614) 297-2535. To learn more about Ohio History Connection’s collections procedures, please visit their Registrar Office